Персональная страничка Ватутина Эдуарда Игоревича

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My sequences in OEIS

Brown's DLS

  • A339641 — Number of main classes of Brown's diagonal Latin squares of order N=2n (N<10)

  • A339305 — Number of Brown's diagonal Latin squares (horizontal, vertical or double) of order N=2n with the fixed first row (N<10)
  • A340186 — Number of Brown's diagonal Latin squares (horizontal, vertical or double) of order N=2n (N<10)

  • A379145 — Number of horizontal plane Brown's diagonal Latin squares of order N=2n with the fixed first row (N<10)
  • Axxxxxx — Number of horizontal plane Brown's diagonal Latin squares of order N=2n (N<10)

  • Double Brown's DLS

  • Axxxxxx — Number of main classes of double Brown's diagonal Latin squares of order N=4n (N<10)
  • Axxxxxx — Number of double Brown's diagonal Latin squares of order N=4n with the fixed first row (N<10)
  • Axxxxxx — Number of double Brown's diagonal Latin squares of order N=4n (N<10)

  • Last updated: Dec 16 2024