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My sequences in OEISMisc:A006717 — Number of ways of arranging 2n+1 nonattacking semi-queens on a (2n+1) X (2n+1) toroidal board, number of transversals in cyclic Latin squares A051906 — Number of ways of placing N nonattacking queens on an NxN toroidal chessboard, used for getting some types of pandiagonal LS (checked for N<20) A007705 — Number of ways of placing N=2n+1 nonattacking queens on an NxN toroidal chessboard, used for getting some types of pandiagonal LS (checked for N<22) A370672 — Number of ways of placing N=2n+1 nonattacking queens on an NxN toroidal chessboard using knight moving with parameters (dx,dy) starting from any cell
A007016 — Number of permutations of length N with 1 fixed and 1 reflected point (upper bound for the number of diagonal transversals in a Latin square of order N) A000041 — Number of separations of integer N to the positive integer terms a[1], a[2], ..., where a[i] <= a[i+1]; number of different multisets of cycle lengths for permutations of order N; number of codes of generalized symmetries for one dimension in Latin squares of order N A000010 — Euler totient function; number of cyclic Latin squares of order N with constant first row A000316 — Card decks, number of X-based diagonal fillings with constant main diagonal A071607 — Number of strong complete mappings of the cyclic group Z_{2n+1}
Last updated: Mar 13 2024